• Stay on walking trails as adjacent areas may be unstable.
  • The surface is uneven on some sections of the walking trails. Please take care.
  • Supervise children closely.
  • Wear insect repellent, appropriate clothing (eg long sleeved shirt) and sturdy footwear to protect against scratches, stings and bites.
  • Bring plenty of drinking water with you to ensure you are fully hydrated.

Please be aware of the following risks:


Bushfire is a risk in native bushland especially on days of increased fire danger.

If you smell smoke or see signs of fire please:

  • Stay calm.
  • Walk away from the fire towards a clear area.
  • Stay on the walking trails.
  • Call ‘000’, request FIRE and follow their instructions.

Deep Water

Deep water is found within the Frankston Nature Conservation Reserve.

Swimming in, fishing from, boating on or drinking from these waterways is prohibited.

Children must be appropriately supervised at all times.

Falling Tree Limbs

The Frankston Nature Conservation Reserve Committee of Management regularly inspects and manages the trees in the Reserve to protect your health and safety. Despite these steps trees may shed branches which may land beyond the tree canopy spread.

When standing or sitting near trees, we ask that all visitors be aware of the unpredictable way in which branches may fall and land.


Frankston Nature Conservation Reserve is home to several species of snakes.

If you see a snake:

  • Do not approach the snake.
  • Wait for the snake to move off the trail.
  • Remember that snakes are protected animals and are an important part of the bushland ecosystem, and should not be disturbed.

In an Emergency –

Please contact a Conservation Reserve Officer. In case of bushfire, please call ‘000’.